“No Whining, Please!” by Tammy Maseberg, Nov. 27, 2012
During Thanksgiving this year, my habit of complaining was exposed for what it is—ugly. Believe me, I didn’t like what I saw when I started looking at this issue in myself. This skill has been way too so easy for me to master, and I think it’s time to deal with it. Here are some of the ridiculous things I’ve grumbled about, some of them recently:
1) A driver pulls out in front of me and then drives—how dare he—five miles per hour below the speed limit.
2) A day turns cloudy and windy when I planned to take a walk.
3) A new recipe fails for—how embarrassing—Thanksgiving dinner.
4) For the 5th time in a day, the radio station plays that song I’m sick of. I know it talks about God, but I just don’t like it.
When I see my “whines” in print, I feel silly. Really? Are any them that important in the scheme of eternity? And believe me, the above list isn’t conclusive. How dare I complain about such trivial stuff when I have so much to be thankful for!